Hi everyone. This is John Sasaki. For the past few years I have worked with AZX Law Office to write a blog together, on Silicon Valley transactions and U.S. law. To see the original posts on the AZX website, please go to the AZX website, at http://www.azx.co.jp/blog.

In addition, I have assisted AZX to create English versions of some of the content from their website. Primarily, this content consists of various questions and answers on Japanese law.

With AZX' permission, I have posted some of these questions and answers on my own website. You can click below on one of the general areas of law below, which will link to a list of question topics. If you click on a question topic, you will be linked to a specific question and the corresponding answer.

**The information in the Q&A portion of this website is up-to-date as of the date indicated. We do not guarantee conformity with the most recent laws, regulations and court precedents. Also, please note that the Q&A has not been prepared with any specific matter in mind, so please make sure to consult with the appropriate advisors for each specific case.